Check your train times via one of the useful train timetable links provided and then use our money saving split train ticket search and booking engine below and you could be pleasantly surprised with the split ticket savings you'll enjoy in addition to what you already save by purchasing your train tickets online in advance, even if you book on the day of departure!
Split Train Ticket Journey Planner

National Rail Train Timetables
The following provide access to all current train timetables for each of the train operating companies and all train stations on the National Rail network in the United Kingdom.
Free Personal Train Timetable
Download a personal train timetable without any of the confusing additional information for just the trains and routes that you select compliments of East Midlands Trains. You may either email your personalised train timetable to yourself or print it out straight away from the East Midlands Trains website. To get your personal pocket train timetable please click here.
(Note: Opens in a new window - you may be prompted to allow pop-up's) |
Rail Company Train Timetables
To view and download train timetables for a specific train operating company click on your selected train operator and timetable on from the list below.
Note: All timetables are in PDF format - you may be prompted to allow pop-up's to view the timetable:- |
Rail Route Specific Train Timetables
National Rail route specific timetables that include all internediate stops between departure and arrival stations. Simply scroll down the drop-down menu list below and click on the route that interests you.
Note: All timetables are in PDF format - you may be prompted to allow pop-up's to view the timetable:- |
The Complete National Rail Timetable
To view and download the complete National Rail Train Timetable for all train operators and covering all rail routes in the UK click here.
(Caution: This is a very large 85mb file with in excess of 3,500 PDF pages. Depending on your internet connection it may take a few minutes to download. Unless you specifically want the entire Network Rail train timetable we suggest you rather use the Personal Train Timetable or Rail Company options at the top of this page) |
Train Delays & Disruptions
To view the latest live updated list of current train delays and disruptions on the National Rail Newtork that may affect your journey plans please click here |
For more information on split train tickets, train times, train delays and for ticket amendments or cancellations please refer to the menu bar below.